Contact to discuss child needs
Who will I contact to discuss the concerns or needs of my child?
Foresters is committed to working in partnership with parents and will listen to any concerns parents may wish to raise.
- Class Teacher – is the first point of contact. They provide an inclusive learning environment which takes into account the learning needs of all the children in the classroom. They continually monitor the progress of children in their class and liaise with key staff about any additional support that may be needed.
- Key Stage Coordinator/Early Years Foundation Stage Coordinator- deals with concerns which cannot be dealt with by the class teacher
- SENCO - Ms Clare Caffrey
- Family Support Worker – Ms Mandy Walker
- Deputy Head Teacher- Mr Alban Edwards
- Head of Base– Ms Liz Savage
- Head – Mrs Julia Merritt
- SEN Governor- Mrs Clare Gillespie and Ms Jackie Turney
- At Foresters we are committed to meeting the needs of all our children. All children, regardless of their specific needs, are supported to make the best possible progress.
- Barriers to learning are identified at the earliest opportunity and appropriate support is put in place through High Quality Teaching.
- In addition Foresters has an Opportunity Base for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. This has its own separate admissions policy. Children attending the Opportunity Base have a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder. All children attending the Opportunity Base have an Education Health Care Plan and are placed here by the Local Authority. Children do not transfer between the mainstream and the opportunity base.
About the school
Assessing children
How does the school know how well my child is doing?
- Foresters use the assessment tool ‘Frog’ to monitor progress in reading, writing and maths.
- In exceptional circumstances ‘B squared’ will be used instead to monitor small steps of progress.
- Targets are set in reading, writing and maths for each pupil, which are monitored termly.
- Class teachers attend a pupil progress meeting each term to discuss the progress of each pupil. The rates of progress are monitored and those pupils not making the expected rate of progress are identified. Strategies will be put in place in order for the identified pupils to reach their expected outcomes.
- Ongoing teacher assessment strategies are used to determine progress and attainment.
- Twice yearly SEN review meetings are held with the class teacher, SENCO and parent to track progress towards outcomes and evaluate interventions.
- Diagnostic marking is used in literacy and maths and provides feedback to pupils.
Informing parents and carers
How will I be kept informed about how well my child is doing?
- Parents are invited to parents’ evening regularly to discuss progress, attainment levels and expected outcomes, with the classteacher and SENCO if appropriate.
- Parents of children with SEN are invited to review meetings, where appropriate.
- Parents are kept informed about their child’s progress at the twice yearly parent’s evenings.
- Children with EHC Plans have an Annual Review, where progress is discussed. Written reports are provided and sent out in advance. Children are invited to contribute to this review. Following the Annual Review the EHCP may be updated by the LA.
- An annual report to parents/carers is written by the class teacher which details the achievements, strengths and areas of development in the different curriculum areas.
SEN support plans are written and reviewed termly, and a copy is sent to parents.
- The Family Support Worker is available to support families as needed. Parents may self-refer.
- Governors are provided with attainment and progress information. They act as ‘critical friends’ and challenge staff to use their best endeavours to raise standards further.
Updates on progress
How regularly will I be updated on my child’s progress?
In addition to the above
- School staff may informally discuss progress with parents/carers as needed
If a child is not making progress
Will I know if my child is not making progress and what will happen?
- In the first instance class teachers will identify what additional universal strategies may need to be put in place within the classroom.
- Additional support may be provided after discussions with key staff, parents/carers, pupil and where relevant, external agency.
- The school identifies the needs of SEN pupils on a provision map. This identifies any additional support given within school. It is reviewed regularly and changes made as needed, so that the needs of children are met, and resources are deployed as effectively as possible.
- The school may seek external support/advice for children continuing to experience significant difficulty – in exceptional circumstances this may involve an application for an Education Health and Care Plan assessment.
What is the curriculum and how is it taught?
The National Curriculum is an entitlement for all children.
- Class teachers are responsible for the learning of all children in their class and they ensure all children receive High- Quality Teaching.
- The school has adopted and adapted the Cornerstones Curriculum. The Deputy Head has responsibility for leading on the curriculum and in consultation with Key Stage Coordinators ensures coverage of the National Curriculum programmes of study.
- Where possible, all curriculum areas are embedded within the topic.
- Maths, Phonics, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, PSHE, RE, music and MFL are taught as separate subjects.
Adapting for child needs
How will the curriculum be adapted to meet the needs of my child?
- Teachers are skilled at adapting and differentiating the curriculum to take account of individual pupil needs.
- A range of universal strategies are used within the class room to adapt the curriculum to meet the different learning styles and individual needs of children.
Teacher flexibility on child needs
How flexible can teachers be in meeting the needs of my child?
- First hand experiences through visits and other engagement activities are explored when topics are planned.
- Grouping arrangements are organised carefully to maximise learning opportunities for all.
- Additional adults may be used to support groups but independence is encouraged.
- Teachers make reasonable adjustments to support the range of needs in their classrooms and encourage independence.
Additional support
Is there any additional support available to help my child reach his/her expected outcomes?
- Children may be identified as benefitting from an intervention programmes. Progress within these programmes is carefully monitored.
- A range of intervention programmes in the areas of literacy, numeracy, language, social, emotional, and motor skills may be available to support individuals and groups and staff trained to deliver them. Children who would benefit from these programmes will be placed on a waiting list. The use of intervention programmes complements the High -Quality Teaching that all children receive.
- The effectiveness of the intervention programmes is monitored by assessing their impact. Intervention programmes are continually under review.
- Advice from external agencies such as Educational Psychology and health agencies such as Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and CAMHS may be sought. Access to these are based on individual need and school priorities.
- Specialist teaching is available in both key stages. In Key Stage 2 1-1 tutoring. Decisions regarding access to this specialist input is based on need and availability.
Learning strategies
Are there any special features or strategies to help children learn?
- Children are involved in their own learning and are able to feed into the topic.
- Children are aware of their targets and next steps. They receive feedback on progress towards targets through discussions with teachers and diagnostic marking. Self-evaluation is also encouraged.
- The school has adopted the Growth Mindset approach to support increased learning and positive self-esteem.
- Daily phonics lessons, across Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.
- Lessons are differentiated to meet the needs of all learners.
- Learning walls in classrooms support the learning of literacy and maths.
- ICT is used to support learning.
- Some classes/identified pupils may be allocated support staff for limited amounts of time and have access to guided group work.
- All classes have a visual timetable on display which details the daily planned activities. Some pupils have their own visual timetable.
- The school’s physical environment is accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities.
- Reasonable adjustments are made to help pupils to learn. For example, some pupils may use special equipment such as pencils grips, sound amplification systems and sloped writing desks.
- Trained Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) may work with individuals so that they are in a position to focus on learning when in class.
- Children may be identified as benefiting from social skills groups.
- There is a sensory room which can be used to support children with relaxation.
Meeting child needs
How do I know my child’s particular need will be met?
Parents will be involved in reviews and informed about strategies that have been put in place and their child's progress as explained above.
Access to exams
What arrangements are available for pupils to access tests and assessments?
- Some pupils for statutory tests (Year 2 and 6) access them in a smaller groups and support for reading tests or writing for pupils may be requested, as appropriate and to comply with test guidelines. Additional time may also be requested in some cases.
- School adheres to current access arrangements for Key Stage 1 and 2 statutory tests
- Booster and revision groups are run throughout the school year.
Additional support or time for exams
How will I know if my child qualifies for additional support or time to access tests?
Class teachers will inform parents/carers whether their child qualifies for additional support or time to access tests.
Comfort, safety and socialising
How does the school help my child to feel comfortable and safe and manage social situations?
- All classes follow a structured PSHE (Personal, Social, Health end Economic education). The PASS (Pupil Attitudes to School and Self) is undertaken yearly. This helps to identify children who would benefit from small/group interventions to develop their social and emotional skills (SEAL groups).
- Foresters follows the Golden Rules. These are taught through assemblies and in class. Golden time and golden certificates celebrate children who keep the Golden Rules.
- Lunchtime and after-school clubs e.g. sports activities, computer, games.
- Additional support for children who are struggling at playtime.
- Use of social stories, particularly in the Opportunity Base.
- Visual timetables/symbols.
- Strong ethos of pastoral care (Family Support Worker, ELSAs).
- Transition preparation
Developing social & emotional skills
How does the school help develop my child’s social and emotional skills?
- Developing use of Zones of regulation within all classes
- Focus on mental well-being
- Use of rewards and sanctions.
- Specialist support for families and children on a referral basis
- Groups to develop social skills and/enhance self-esteem based on need and availability
- Use of social stories, particularly in the Opportunity Base.
Early Help Support in the Community (Tier 2)
Examples : please include any ELSA
( Emotional Literacy Support Assistant), counselling, Talk and draw, parent groups, support groups for parents and children e.g. Self Esteem and social skills, Clinical Psychology paid for by the school, Mentoring, Anger management / Feelings work.
- Access to trained Emotional Literacy Support assistants within school for any children we feel may benefit.
- Trained adults in Drawing and Talking therapeutic approach
- Social skills groups based on availability eg focusing on friendship, anger management, self-esteem, emotions
- Dramatherapy is available on a referral basis subject to availability
- Intensive Interaction
- Outside mentors
- Family Support worker runs various parenting groups eg, managing behaviour etc and available to support families with difficulties and sign posting
What is the school’s policy on bullying?
- Bullying in any form is anti-social behaviour and will not be tolerated in our school. We believe that everyone has the right to be safe and secure while in our school and we consider any instances of bullying as a serious infringement of those rights.
- Instances of bullying will always be dealt with according to our Behaviour Policy and any other relevant policies. All alleged instances of bullying will be fully investigated when reported. They will always be dealt with by a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
- E-safety and cyber bullying is addressed at an age appropriate level
Disability support
What facilities are in the school to assist children with disabilities move around the building and take part in lessons?
- The building and playground are accessible to wheelchair users.
- Disabled toilet.
- Semi-open plan building with classrooms off a central resource area.
- Awareness of sensory issues.
- Transition preparation.
Accessing lessons
How do I know my child will be able to access all lessons?
- Reasonable adjustments are made by staff to ensure children with disabilities can access all lessons.
- Trips will be planned taking into account the needs of children with disabilities.
Who we work with
Who does the school work with?
Foresters works with a number of services including:
- Educational Psychology Service
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Dramatherapy
- Cognus SEN at the LB of Sutton
- Paving the Way
- SIASS formerly Parent Partnership
- Occupational Therapy
- Early Years SEN advisory team
- School Nurse
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Social Care
- Voluntary services
- The SENCO liaises with class teachers, senior leadership team, Family Support Worker and parents to prioritise referrals to these services in line with school priorities
- Referrals to services may also come about following pupil review meetings
Working with other agencies
How does the school work with other agencies?
- Agencies may be invited to observe or assess children and/or meet with parents and school staff. They may work directly with children or provide individual support.
- Agencies will conclude their work by writing a report with recommendations.
Informing parents and carers
How will I be informed?
- Staff (usually the SENCO or class teacher) discuss the referral to a service with parents/carers.
- Parents views will be sought and they may be invited or can request to meet with the service.
- Reports and recommendations are shared with parents and expected outcomes and strategies to meet those outcomes are planned.
Helping your child settle with confidence
How will the school help my child settle with confidence and manage change as they move between schools and year groups?
Early Years Transition
- SENCO/Head of Base and/or class teacher attend transition meetings for pupils with SEN making the transition from pre-school to Nursery or Reception.
- Class teacher visits child in setting.
- Parents are invited to a pre-admission meeting.
- Children attend pre-admission visit to new class.
- Further visits may be arranged depending on need.
- Transition books
Moving on at Year 6
- Key staff and often some Year 7 students from the secondary school visit Foresters to speak to the Year 6 pupils transferring to their school
- All pupils in Year 6 are invited to a familiarisation day at their secondary school. Children are prepared for the visit and given information in advance as necessary.
- Transition arrangements are planned with secondary schools.
- Additional visits to the secondary school may be arranged for individuals or groups eg base pupils.
- SENCO attends Year 6 to Year 7 SEN transfer meeting.
- Use of social stories/transition books.
- A planned programme of transition, which may include dramatherapy to help prepare children.
- Class teacher/ SENCO meets with key staff from new school
- One page profiles/communication passports for identified pupils are written for pupils to share with secondary schools.
- Information transferred in advance of move.
Moving Schools
If your child is moving to another school we will:
- Contact the school SENCo and ensure he/she knows about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for your child.
- Transfer docuents through EDukey if moving to a Sutton school
- Make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible
- Make a transition book/social story for them if we feel it will help
- Prepare a one page profile for the new school
If your child joins us from another school we will:
- Contact the school SENCo to find out any special arrangements or support that needs to be made for your child.
- Meet with parents to discuss any concerns and plan any support.
Moving Classes
- SEN review in the summer term with the class teacher, the new teacher and parents to ensure continued support.
- SENCO alerts new class teacher about additional needs of individual pupils and previous support
- Transition visits to new classes are planned in the second half of the summer term. Identified pupils have a number of additional visits to the new
Extended School Day
What additional facilities do you offer?e.g. Breakfast club; After school clubs; walking train to after school care
- Magic breakfast club from 8.30am every morning.
- After school clubs – Sports-Football, netball and athletics.
- Music - Flute
Add any relevant web links to things like policies here, e.g. SEN policy, Behaviour policy, Equalities policy, Access Plan