I would like to thank all the children and staff for a most enjoyable afternoon yesterday. It was great that almost all the children had speaking parts. Can only imagine the hard work the teachers had . This is such a lovely small school. Merry Christmas
At Foresters we ensure that we provide all children with a happy, caring and safe environment in which they can learn. By providing security and continuity we hope to develop self-esteem, self-discipline and encourage children to become independent learners. We aim to promote an environment where children feel safe and secure and where they show respect for themselves, their families and peers, their surroundings and all adults. Children model what they see and we believe all adults should lead by example. We encourage adults on the school premises to display positive, polite and considerate behaviour towards others at all times.
We actively promote good behaviour and effort in a positive manner by praise and rewards. This we do through a variety of means:
Golden Table - a special table where children, identified with good lunchtime manners, eat their lunch and are waited on by the headteacher.
Star of the week - teachers select a star pupil, chosen for exceptional hard work, behaviour, or being a caring friend. Each pupil receives a Star of the Week special certificate.
Team Points - all the children are in coloured teams (red, blue, yellow and green) and collect points for good behaviour and work. A cup is presented to the winning team each week.
Class dojo- These are awarded around the termly theme:
Autumn - Golden rules
Spring - Super Powers
Summer - Growth mindset
Rewards and stickers within the class.
If, however, this method is unsuccessful, there will be an agreed range of sanctions aimed at alerting the child, and if necessary, the parents, that the behaviour being displayed is not acceptable.
At Foresters we strongly believe in the importance of a home/school partnership. Evidence shows that where parents are actively involved in their child's learning, greater progress is made. We are able to offer the support of a Family Support Worker to help strengthen this partnership or help where difficulties are getting in the way of a child's learning.
Racial Harassment and Bullying
Both racism and any type of bullying are not tolerated at Foresters and any incidents of this nature are dealt with firmly. We also believe not just in punishing the offender but helping educate them to behaviour differently and be more accepting and tolerant of differences.