We had an absolute brilliant time. Everything went well and the site supervisor was fantastic!
Child Protection and Safeguarding
At Foresters school we take child protection very seriously. All staff are vetted in accordance with Government regulations including having an enhanced DBS check. We train all staff in child protection through initial induction, updated child protection training and three yearly borough training.
Staff are aware that concerns should be raised with the designated CP officer so that they can be investigated and followed through if necessary. Where ever possible, the school will work with parents and be open and honest about concerns.
The school liaises with a number of agencies with respect to child protection and these included social services, the local authority, the education welfare service, the educational psychology service and the Early Intervention and Prevention service.
The school safeguarding procedures are informed by the following policies:
- Health and safety
- Behaviour and anti-bullying
- Positive handling strategies
- Equal Opportunities and the Promotion of Racial Equality
- Medicines in school